ZxBxD Royal Standard Poodles Fall litter 2016 above are 1 wk old!
3 Females (2 brown & 1 BL) + 4 Males (Black/Blue) = 7 Zeddy x Bruno x Daniel pups!
Born 9/27/16 - these will be some beautiful Royals with nice structure and size!
That allows puppies to fly out on Tuesday November 22nd - please mark your calendars and plan accordingly > Traveling Notes
Please scroll down to the bottom to watch puppies grow up onto the page as they are added for your enjoyment. Next picture updates > 7 wks 11/15/16
Tracking Z x B x D puppies:
Click here to Bruno stats & pictures
Click here to Zeddy stats & pictures
?Click here to Daniel stats & pictures?
The following story boards can only be fun and general as they are too young to have developed any definite personality yet, and the fact they will be completed by you, the new owners...Customers will come to choose at 6 wks old, choose from the pictures and having 3 mc's in mind to pick from...as I work through the list at that time...unless people let me know sooner...eyes are blue for now, as they grow they change color.
Below - We're the 4 Males
SOLD - "George" - Black male - 7 wks old 7.2# > microchip (mc) 7046 Let me light up your life! I no longer fit in the pumpkin! ;o) Going home to DB > Urbandale, IA
SOLD - "Sunday" - Black male - 7 wks old 15 lbs > mc #3282 I am such a handsome boy, pick me pick me! Going home to JF > Hollywood, CA
SOLD - "Harley" - Black male - 7 wks old 10.4# > microchip (mc) 7554 Can I be your Halloween trickster! Going home to DGM >AB, Canada
SOLD - "Beckett" - Black male - 7 wks old 11.2 lbs > mc #3282 Let me spook you with how big I will get! Going home to BT > Scottsdale, AZ
SOLD - "Belle" Black Female with white abstract on chest and toes- 7 wks old 11.8# > microchip (mc) 8937 Belle is getting ready to fly her broomstick home! Going home to BG > Marana, AZ
SOLD - "Coco" - Royal Brown Female - 7 wks old 8.8 lbs > mc #4430 I'm sweet girl ready to sweeten up your home! Going home to NK > Riverside, CA
SOLD - "Mystique" Brown Female - 7 wks old 11.4# > microchip (mc) 8910. Mystique will be kept for breeding to mate with our Red Daniel!
So many hours go into preparing all the pictures for you, so many to choose from that I'd love to share, yet have to stop and get back to other work...enjoy, enjoy, enjoy :o)))
We have been a great bunch for Dani, our personalities have been wonderful, and we are so much fun to watch when we are outside! We can't wait to be in your loving arms so you can enjoy the fun too! :0)
tug-o-war, whose in....
Hmmm.....I wonder if I can climb this
Howling good fun!
Can she see us?
Dani was raking leaves in the puppy park, we were trying to help but then found that running and jumping in the leaf pile was even more fun! :0)
Sunday and Belle taking a nice nap on the pet beds!
We love our beds!
Sometimes we get so tired we sleep where we drop, Dani caught me sleeping here and couldn't stop laughing....This is our ramp to outside :o)
Lets Play!
George is checking out the little hole filled with leaves.
Who needs a bone when you have leaves to chew! :0)
Pet beds are added to get smells on them, this way when we go home we have a "Security blanket". It really helps the transition to our new home and did we mention....There's still time to get your Pet Bed/s :o)
I'm going to get your tail!
We are learning to master the doggy door, Dani has been impressed by how smart we all are, we have been the best litter!
Wait Momma we want a snack!!!
We are having so much fun playing outside!
Starting here and up we are going on 6 and 7 weeks old.
After so much excitment outside time for a nap....we love you momma Zeddy!
and of course we like to try to bring them in....Dani keeps taking them back out...doesn't she know we want to play with these!
I won the leaf!
We have found that the leaves are fun to play with, hey come and get me!
We have mastered the steps no problem....hey is that Tes on the phone? She REALLY misses having puppies around :0)
Belle soaking up the sun
Dirty faces after eating, now time to roll in the leaves!
We are a curious bunch...what is that smell? Thank You for allowing our curiosity to grow and reach :o)
and here's how she teaches us to "Potty Outside" - with Momma and food ;o))
getting up and down the ramp Tes built to have us learn to go potty outside on our own...as Dani now begins to teach us..
We are quick learners, we have no problem climbing up on things.
snack from Momma while she eats
Dry dog food has entered our world...play...time to eat... :o)
That was some nummy slurry, yawn, nap time!
I think we may need those baths soon! :0)
hmm....not sure if I should play or nap...
Now starting to eat dry dog food, Belle is helping herself to a snack. Tes & Dani are always learning on what is the better dog food. Life's Abundance has now a Grain Free dry dog food rated 4.5 at www.dogfoodadvisor.com, although the one rated here is NOT the grain free. We are rotating with Health Extension Chicken and Blue Buffalo Wilderness Chicken dry dog food.
Hey there momma let me up with you!
Dani is now moving us to the heated garage where we will have more space and start to go outside. We have lots of different things that we are learning to climb on! Interest is the key and Tes/Dani provide us with LOTS of opportunity to be curious and learn :o)
...and then we zzz...when we drop...
Play play play!
We're DEFINITELY playing a lot more with each other! Belle sticks her tongue out saying "you can't catch me!"
Now going on 4 and 5 wks old
...And with our legs coming, Tes/Dani adds newspapers as we learn to potty off the blanket :o))
We've started to eat slurry, it's a blend of baby rice cereal, buttermilk to prevent diarrhea, a special canned dog food called mousse to help puppies transition and eventually canned dog food will replace the mousse :o) What I call our circle of life :o))
If you look close you can see the big black boy climbing over one of his siblings to get to the slurry, they love it!
Belle is checking out the newspaper that gets put down for us to potty on.
Belle says: Were a little messy after our nummy slurry but momma Zeddy will clean us up!
Hey Momma we need some milk!
Dani works on socializing us by climbing in and letting us crawl on her, hugging her...peeing on her...momma turns it on with her licking us still and it just won't stop ;o)
Howling good times
...and with that, we start to play with each other...
Lots of socializing going on here, hmmm I like this little boy!
We see you!!
AND - we're starting to get our legs under our bodies :o))
OKAY! Our eyes are squeaking open...
Above pictures we're going on 2 wks then 3 wks as our eyes open and we start to get our legs underneath us...okay, but first 4 legs up as it is warm in here and this is how we can cool off :o) Temps are being dialed down...
working it....:0)
Look how much we have grown in just 1 week, we have tubby bellies!
Strrretchhhh!! Happy dreams... :0)
I'm the one BL female and have white angel wings on my chest and a white patch on my back left foot :o)
where we fall, we zzz...zzzz...
dreaming of that nummy nummy milk....:0)
Suckle, suckle...the many ways to suckle...and sleep to look like it ;o)
We are becoming little scooters, climbing on momma Zeddy for new spots to sleep :0)
The 1st and foremost gift to their life is smell. That is how they find everything in life...then comes their site around 2 wks old and then their ears open to hear.
Our tails are docked, we're all figuring out the zzz's and nummy nummies in any position we can while momma rests up:o)))
a...ahhh...stretchhhh... ;o)
Ahhh, Momma, Thank You for loving us :o) I'm one of the black males...a little bit of white on the chin, not much.
...and more zzz's...and nummies...hmmmm, is this a foot? ;o)
Mmmm, look at our little bellies get bigger...let us count the ways to zzzzzzzzzzzzz....as we growwwww :o)
We're growing, still crawling onto Momma is a part of becoming scooters...I think it's just somewhere to go when you can't see where we're going yet ;0)
Nummy, nummy, we can all nurse at the same time, can you count all 7 of us? :0) Momma has lots of milk for us to grow, and with 7 of us Tes supplies good "Nuvet" supplements and a mousse for blending with the "Holistic Organic Vets Choice Life Extension" dry dog food we'll be eating when we grow old enough...
...we're getting bigger FAST ... see our tummies getting tubby :0))
While some eat, some sleep with a smaller litter we don't have to fight to get our milk, which means we are getting nice tubby bellies! :o)
At 3 days old we're keeping warm in Tes's bedroom she has warmed up to 78 degrees as we don't have any body regulation yet, a temperature controlled heating pad is underneath a wool blanket. Wool blankets wick away any moisture that come from us, keeping us dry and warm. Tes will change them to show different colors in viewing your colorful pups in the coming weeks :o)
...And nummy, nummy...they already want to climb onto Momma Zeddy's back...it's been amusing to watch, though a bit stressing to keep pulling them off so they don't fall behind her...searching searching for that nummy, nummy...
Here's what we do best...zzzzz.....zzzzz..nummy nummy...zzzz...
What the customers miss out on, I hope to bring to you in pictures and story boards...the quiet atmosphere I try to provide provides a hopeful calmer loving pet for you :0)
Zeddy's puppies are a day old, still have their tails, and she is being very loving by being the instinctive Momma by licking them as they can't potty normally on their own without licking to stimulate the function.
Woo Hool! Here we come!!!! Tes helps us right away by taking the sack off that we can start breathing, she weighs us, checks to see if we are a male or female and all the other considerations to assure we're healthy to start out our life :o)