Standard Poodle Chiropractic Care

Standard Poodle Chiropractic Care; Bruno loved Dr. Mark's visits in MN! In TX, Bruno enjoys Dr. Angela Stephens from Austin, TX travels directly to a home or can meet you at an agreed spot to adjust your pet.

Here TI hopes to help one understand the true science and technology of why Chiropractic Care for your pet and its VITAL usage with them.

last updated 9/4/24 (added Zoom video)

Have you been wondering "WHY" chiropractic pet care? Watch the EXCELLENT video below put on by Dr. Fallahi June 2024 (Tes further Education). You won't regret learning how to help your pet live a happier life. TI has used it on her pack since 2009 starting in MN.

Here is the link (length 1 hour) > use Passcode: =DJkY6AM (use = sign too)

Chiropractic Zoom Education by Dr. Natasha Fallahi DC

or if that doesn't work - 

Permission given by Dr. Fallahi and Dr. Christenson with Kokopelli Vet Hospital.


Sections found here:

1. Visual picture reality of Why Standard Poodle Chiropractic Care (by TI)

2. Dr. Angela Stephens in Austin, TX area

3. Dr. Mark LaVallie in Minneapolis, MN & Other State Pet Chiropractors

4. Customer Feedback on their Chiropractic care from Tes customers

Customer story: Regarding the girls (Black Molly & Sadie) appt. yesterday with Dr. Darcy (pet chiropractor). I wanted to tell this story because if you didn’t insist on the chiropractic care for your dogs, we would not be educated in this area and who knows how long it would have taken us to realize she (Molly) was in pain!  She did not let on in any human way that she was hurting, very subtle signs.  She never stopped playing and running.  Thank you again for the education! 

Molly, as we expected, badly needed the adjustment!  Dr. Darcy educated me when we started seeing her, about signs that may indicate that they need an adjustment.  Molly had not been shaking from "head to toe", she was stopping in the middle of a stretch, as if she couldn't go any further and not "sitting" as quickly when asked.  We would have to ask her more than once, which is abnormal for her...normal for Sadie though :o). Dr. Darcy said that it was her sacrum. When she touched that area, Molly whipped around and viciously growled at Dr. Darcy. Jason said that he has never heard her growl that way, it startled him.  He said “I thought she was going to eat her face!” After their appointment, they slept for 4 hours!  Molly is shaking and stretching again! 

Also, she never growled at us and maybe that would have happened eventually but she is so eager to please us, bless her heart.❤️  If we didn’t know what to look for, I’m not sure what it would have taken for us to notice...snapping at a small child or something awful that we wouldn’t understand.  Thank goodness for you and Dr. Darcy! BC

1. Visual reality of Why Standard Poodle Chiropractic Care

Dr. Mark in MN arrives to take care of the spoos.

I am going to start this section out by sharing:

A. Good vss Bad...I am not going to write of good breeders/customers vss bad breeders/customers. I will write about Educated, Observing breeders/customers verses Unaware, Not Knowing What to Look for breeders/customers. One needs to Educate themselves, then OBSERVE

I hope I can help Educate and provide a point of Observation for those who want to learn here.

B. In the many fields of healing, no matter how educated one is in that field, they observe, yet possibly haven't learned of another field that is just as healing. It is my hope one will observe and see for themselves here.

C. I KNOW chiropractic care works as three decades ago (way before spoos were in my life) I was introduced to Chiropractic Care and found I had scoliosis, the curving of the spine. The next 5 years with consistent care my curve was gone - GONE! X-Rays showed the slow re-straightening of the spine...year after year. If I had not found a Gonstead chiropractor when I did, today my body would be deformed and debilitated from that worsening, continuing curving spine doing its damage to the body, nerves, and organs. Today I must continue to go weekly in order to keep it maintained and repaired from my challenging work I put on it.

D. When I started to breed spoos, MN had not passed a law for chiropractors to work with small animals. After six years of breeding finally the MN law was passed and I found Dr. Mark LaVallie immediately who had already been working on large animals, as well as humans. One must have their human license in place, then learn for the animal realm.

I know the results received for my own health, I had to establish my breeding spoos health now with chiropractic care to help them stay at the best structural health possible in bringing loving pets to the public.

Now, onto the many examples for you to observe in the Standard Poodle Chiropractic Care...

1. Dr. Mark LaVallie arrives to care for Falcon after her having puppies. The dams pelvis are sometimes thrown out that they get bladder infections...and try caring for puppies when you're not feeling good! The re-alignment of their pelvis puts them to health within the week.

2. Every puppy gets an adjustment before they go to their new home. Examples of subluxations (pinching nerves) a) If their pelvis, male or female, is out they will get urinary track infections. b) If their atlas is out, they will get what I call ooey gooey eyes and possibly have headaches being irritated. c) If they're super hyper, their mid-spine is out, pinching them causing them to keep moving and overly active. When they are adjusted, healing occurs within the week. REALLY! 

3. I provide tips and notes along with a checklist to my customers, sharing the importance of Standard Poodle Chiropractic Care. A link is provided to show the canine spine, where nerves go to important organs - copy and paste into your google >

4. Here I am going to show images of my spoo parents to help one establish healthy structure: a) a great DVD on my Books & Links page is by Pat Hastings - Again - here I share when one watches this DVD; to me I observe a missing link in the knowledge, that of chiropractic care that can correct an off puppy! Yet GREAT showing what to look for in healthy structured parents!!

- Observe Pickles side view, nice straight back, hips, aligned structure

- Pickles front view, one can see straight legs, lining down under her body

- Observing Pickles hips and legs from the back as she gets ready to go through the doggy door, straight under her body, footing solid

- Observe Daniel side view, nice straight back, hips, aligned structure

- Daniel front view, one can see straight legs, lining down under his body

- Observing Daniel hips and legs from the back as he gets ready to take the non-poisonous garter snake to eat, straight under his body, footing solid

5. Pickles and Daniel (PxD) are the parents to the 14 month standard poodle you are about to see...a) I have no way to follow up assuring customers are caring for their offspring from me with chiropractic care, let alone them able to find a pet chiropractor in their area. b) None-the-less, in my viewpoint to find one that a person can take their pet to during their first year of growth is VITAL for their health. c) If one has spent a lot of money to get their pet from me, take the time and money to keep them healthy for their life with you...

This PxD 14 month old offspring came back to me. 

- I shaved all the hair off to observe what was underneath the longer coat to find an underweight, very mis-aligned pet that had taken the year to get to this point of deformity. One could not observe this with a groomed long coat.

- Dr. Angela found his lower spine and pelvis torqued (twisted), causing him to be in constant pain which made him not want to eat, caused him to try to compensate by turning his legs and knees out to alleviate pain, which this caused him to arch his back causing the arched pinching back, which caused him to be irritated and hyper and wanting to bite if touched just so (first picture).

- OBSERVE his *arched spine, see his *hind knees, legs and feet pointed out from the body to do his best to alleviate the pain. Observe he doesn't want to *stand on his left paw due to pain which one can see his left hip is higher then his right hip.

A week and a half later after adding canned dog food to the dry, we've been able to put some weight on him.

- Dr. Angela came and adjusted him

- I explained to the new owners, showing them the pictures of his needed chiropractic care, every two weeks for a good 3 months, then adjust to what Dr. Angela observes.

- I explained of his needed care for the rest of his life, that he may be able to get re-balanced to half of this...maybe.

- BLESS these new owners!!!

*Now, one looking at these pictures can gasp and think:

a) WHAT A Bad Breeder!

b) WHAT A Bad Owner!


a) You saw above pictures of parent Pickles and Daniel both parents healthy structure. Breeder doing everything right for the health of her standard poodles - I Do more then most breeders.

b) The owners had no knowledge of chiropractic care. Did not know what to look for, observe.

- Thus I find the immediate addressing of Standard Poodle Chiropractic Care for anyone looking at this web page!

- SHARE this web page with others!!

- Google and learn the science of Gonstead chiropractic care!!! One can save their health along with their pets.

- Find a pet chiropractor to care for your pets!

- Don't hesitate to call me with any questions you might have.

* I hope to provide pictures in time of PxD care...we stay tuned...and say THANK YOU to all those individuals and families out there willing to care for such pets!!

6. Pets, with Standard Poodle Chiropractic Care become VERY relaxed as you'll see Max who went to Australia, melts in Dr. MArk's arms. I have one video of one of the girls falling ASLEEP in his arms...soooo relaxing and healing for them :o)

More pictures of structure for you to observe of my breeding spoos, what monthly Standard Poodle Chiropractic Care has helped them stay in tip top structural health to bring healthy pups to you :o)

- OBSERVE straight backs, legs under body

OBSERVE Grandma Fire's great structure under chiropractic care and Grandpa Bruno's excellent structure to pass on to his offspring.

*Now you hopefully understand why I need to shave the spoos down, aside from heat, I need to be able to OBSERVE what is happening to their structure over the years.

2. Dr. Angela - Texas

Bruno, at 11 years old is doing fantastic with Dr. Angela's continued care. I also purchased a laser that helps any of the spoos with injuries. An expensive tool, yet something I must have in my viewpoint for my breeding spoos health. He's so relaxed, he loves his adjustments :o)

7. In MN Bruno slipped on the November ice as I watched his hind legs split underneath him blowing his pelvis totally out. That weekend Dr. Mark came to adjust the spoos and as I had suspected, now limping, he had blown his pelvis out. Most veterinarians would say he'd have to be neutered as he wouldn't be able to mate any more without severe pain. I took Bruno to the Twin Cities every two weeks for the next three months, then every 3 weeks until after 6 months he had healed where he was able to continue being that great stud he was. All due to Standard Poodle Chiropractic Care! Thank You Dr. Mark!!

Dr. Angela Stephens D.C. Austin, TX area

Hoof "N Paw Chiropractic - 319-350-9665

Your pet chiropractor will have a form as you see above for Dr. Angela, that will need to be given to your vet for their signature allowing for chiropractic care on your pet, whether from me or another breeder. All Animal Chiropractors will have such forms. Provide this at time of vet visit to plan to see your pet chiropractor.

  • Dr. Darcy Goode D.C. Aledo, TX

BC found a pet chiropractor in Aledo, TX (West of Fort Worth, TX) check her/them out at

  • Dr. Teresa Fransik DVM TX

Pet chiropractor in San Antonio, TX area

& she works with the New Braunfels, TX area

3. Dr. Mark - Minnesota & Other

  • Dr. Mark LaVallie MN in Minneapolis, MN area



261 N. Ruth Street • Suite 108 • St. Paul, MN 55119

Cell: 651-332-1633 • Fax: 651-739-8452

Chiropractor for Large and Small Animals

  • Dr Mark sees pets at > Valley View Veterinary Hospital

821 East Highway 8

St. Croix Falls, WI 54024

(715) 483-1551

Every other Saturday 9:00-11:00 am

Every other Wednesday 3:00 –5:00pm

  • Dr. Mark sees pets also at > Lifecare Animal Hospital

1238 White Bear Avenue

St. Paul, MN 55106

(651) 774-6063

Every other Tuesday 12:00-2:00pm

Every other Wednesday 4:00-6:00pm

  • Dr Mark sees pets also at > Minnesota Veterinary Hospital

4545 Hodgson Road

Shoreview, MN 55126

(651) 484-3331

Wednesdays alternating

12:00-2:00pm or 6:30-8:30pm

Every other Friday 9:00- 11:00am

  • Dr Mark sees pets also at > Brooklyn Park Pet Hospital

5815 80th Avenue North

Brooklyn Park, MN 55443

(763) 566-6000

Every other Wednesday 8:00-10:00am

  • Dr Mark sees pets also at > Pine City Animal Hospital

917 Main Street South

Pine City, MN 55063

(320) 629-7591

Every other Friday 1:00-3:00pm

  • Dr Mark > Home visits are available by appointment only. Travel fees apply.

THE TALEBONE   Edition 1 

by Dr. Mark LaVallie

How Do I Know If My Pet Needs Chiropractic?

This is by far the most frequently asked question that I get from pet owners. They go on to say, “They cannot tell you. Can they?” The fact is that your pets do tell you when they need help! You just need to know what to look for. Following are three signs that your pet may benefit from a visit to the animal chiropractor.

                Incomplete Stretches and Shakes

We have all observed how cats stand and stretch. It’s the first thing they do in the morning. Absence of this full, high-arching stretch is one of the first indications of a spinal or joint problem. The “shake” that dogs and some cats exhibit is frequently observed but not consciously appreciated by owners. The shake that starts at the head and progresses without interruption through the lumbar and the tail is a healthy shake. Dogs that stop a shake somewhere along the spine may be self-splinting a spinal or joint problem. The body’s protective reaction is to splint the area through muscle spasm, so as to prevent further injury.

 Swelling, Heat and Muscle Spasm

Through observation, touch, and massage, we can sometimes detect early signs of a treatable problem. When joints are damaged or injured, inflammation and swelling ensues. Significant swelling can often be seen and felt in the extremities, less often in the spine. A more common sign of inflammation in the spinal region is felt as heat or warmth in the tissues overlying the area. The easiest way to feel the heat is to take the back of your fingers and run them slowing down your pet’s spine, noting any significant differences in temperature. To heighten your sense of touch, close your eyes as you run your hand down the spine. Injured joints in the extremities also exhibit warmth when inflamed. Through touch and massage, you can also feel muscle spasms, or “hypertonic muscles.” Muscle spasms are a sign of the splinting action mentioned previously.

Altered Joint Position Sense

With dogs there is a simple and very useful test that provides early clues to nervous system dysfunction.  With your dog standing, flip over one paw so it is “knuckled over.” Repeat with the other paws. A normal reaction in a dog with a healthy nervous system is to immediately “flip” the foot back over to its normal position. If your animal takes longer than two seconds to flip its paw back, its “proprioception” or joint position sense, is compromised. Joint position sense is the brain’s ability to know where the limbs are at all times. When a dog has spinal problems, this sensation is the first to go. Your doctor will typically refer to this sensation as “C.P.” Ideally, you should test your pet’s C.P. at least once per month after the age of two.

It’s extremely important to understand that all of the above signs typically go unnoticed by most owners. But these signs precede more severe signs and symptoms of pain and weakness. By the time I first see many animals, their condition has already progressed to weakness, paralysis of a limb or multiple limbs, gait abnormalities, severe pain, and often loss of bowel and bladder control. While a vast majority of these animals respond effectively to chiropractic and veterinary intervention, the earlier the treatment begins, the better the prognosis.

In a perfect world, our goal is to prevent these problems from occurring in the first place. Prevention is a primary goal of many pet owners that have working or performance dogs, show dogs, or have breeds with a hereditary predilection to various maladies. Dachshunds, for instance, have a very high predisposition to thoraco-lumbar disc herniations. German shepherds are prone to hip dysplasia and “degenerative myelopathy.” Small breeds are often susceptible to “luxating patellas.” Labrador retrievers, due to the way they grasp a fetched object, are prone to upper cervical and jaw problems. With any breed, prevention and early detection is the key.

According to the American Veterinary Chiropractic Association, chiropractic may be appropriate for:

·        neck, back, leg, and tail pain

·        muscle problems, nerve problems

·        disc problems, joint problems

·        limping and gait abnormalities

·        injuries from slips, falls, and accidents

·        jaw problems, difficult chewing

·        bowel, bladder and digestive problems                   

·        post-surgical care and rehab

·        event or sports injuries

·        seizures

·        maintenance of joint and spinal health

Chiropractic care does not attempt to replace traditional veterinary care. Animal chiropractors work with your veterinarian to ensure your pet has the most complete care. As a final note, we all realize that animals age at a much faster rate than we do. Therefore, prevention and early recognition of problems is imperative. Chiropractic is a very useful adjunct to traditional veterinary care to maximize your pets “golden years.”

               The next issue of The Talebone will answer frequently asked questions regarding animal chiropractic. In future editions, we will discuss specific conditions, prevention, treatment, stretching, and exercise programs, and other topics. Until next time, wishing you and your four-legged friend the best of health.

Dr. Mark “Bones” LaVallie, DC, CVSMT   (651) 332-1633

Other Pet Chiropractors

Maryland - All Chiropractic, LLC   Dr. Amber Langmeier 240-306-5007 1007 White Spruce Lane, Eldersburg, MD 21784 ... Dr Amber visited Dr Angela in TX and helped with adjusting my spoos :o) They went to school together, give her a call. Bruno was very happy to get his adjustment :o)))

MN - Minneapolis/St. Paul area:

- Dr. Annie Seefeldt, DC, CVSMT, CVMRT

Minnesota’s 1st Board Registered Animal Chiropractor

1700 Hamline Ave N, Roseville, Mn 55113



TX - Houston area:

- Dr. Ginny Heller DC > Houston, TX; 832-658-9637

- Dr. Jodi Wilson, DC > Clinic in Missouri City, TX; 806-570-4677 (cell) 281-895-2054 (clinic) -


  • Michael Welker - Butte, MT - 406-723-3200
  • Ponderosa Vet hospital - Kalispell, MT - 406-752-7111
  • Calm Animal Care - Kalispell, MT - 406-755-8214

4. Customer Feedback on their Chiropractic care

Dog Chiropractor Stories

A new breed of Dr. Doolittles? by JOY POWELL, Star Tribune

Lacey the dog couldn't stop limping.

A car had run over her, cracking the ball of her hip. After surgery, she still walked gingerly.

So her owner, Lisa Cottrell of Wyoming, Minn., took Lacey to an animal chiropractor, Dr. Mark LaVallie. He adjusted the pelvis and lower spine of the black Lab-collie mix.

Cottrell said the limp disappeared: "It was remarkable, like night and day." Now Lacey has $45 adjustments every six to eight weeks.

She joins a growing number of dogs, cats, horses, cows and even llamas being treated by animal chiropractors in Minnesota. In July 2008, the state became one of the first to pass a law allowing chiropractors who work on people to also work on animals, as long as they get specialized training and meet other requirements.

There's growing demand for such alternative therapies for animals, said Larry Spicer, executive director of the Minnesota Board of Chiropractic Examiners. That agency licenses chiropractors for humans and registers those who complete 210 hours of additional training so they can treat animals, too.

LaVallie splits his practice 50-50 between humans and animals. He's the busiest among 18 animal chiropractors registered in Minnesota. Nationwide, there are about 1,800 animal chiropractors, according to officials with Options For Animals, the biggest of three U.S. schools for animal chiropractic, said Robbie Hroza, administrator of the Wellsville, Kan., school.

"In the last five years, it seems like a lot more people are going to a holistic approach with chiropractors -- in conjunction with the veterinary care, because you still need that," Hroza said.

Minnesota's law was designed to require a veterinarian's referral to go to a chiropractor to ensure that the animal has no disease a human can get, such as rabies, and that it received proper veterinary care, said Dr. Trevor Ames, dean of the University of Minnesota College of Veterinary Medicine. Students there can take elective courses in animal chiropractic care.

Does chiropractic care work for animals? Ames said there's no scientific proof because there have been no clinical trials yet.


Get your Dog Chiropractor care!

Owners swear by treatments -

For Vernette Karwoski of Scandia there's no question. She's among advocates who pushed for the law to be changed in Minnesota, in part because she had to drive to Wisconsin to take her dogs to an animal chiropractor.

On a recent morning on Karwoski's farm, she held the head of each of her four llamas steady while LaVallie adjusted them, along with a sheep and two dogs.

It was the llamas' first treatment. They flicked their ears and licked their lips, relaxing as he worked. LaVallie found vertebrae that he said had become stuck in place in their long necks, in their pelvises and in sacroiliac joints.


Get dog chiropractor care!

LaVallie, of St. Croix Falls, Wis., has been a chiropractor for humans for 30 years. After Minnesota changed its law, he studied at the Healing Oasis near Racine, Wis., so he could work on animals, too. Since February 2009, he's adjusted about 1,200 animals, LaVallie said.

He travels around, working with eight veterinary clinics in Minnesota and Wisconsin. "Working together, the relationship with the veterinarians is phenomenal," he said.

There are cases where the animals are beyond help, he said. But many times, he's been able to help even those whose owners feared they would have to be put down. The manipulations help animals feel better, perform better and live longer, LaVallie said.


Get dog chiropractor care!

Wagging her tail again -

Among his clients is Deb Volk of Andover, whose 6-year-old Weimaraner, Ellie, had a tick-borne disease called anaplasmosis, which affects joints, muscles and nerves that send messages from the brain to the paws. Though she was on intravenous feeding, strong antibiotics and arthritis medicine, Ellie was left with a front leg and back leg partially paralyzed three months after getting sick.

"We followed the vet's advice," Volk said. "She got better to a certain point and then no more, and that just wasn't good enough."

LaVallie soon found six vertebrae out of place, as well as a pelvis "way of out whack," Volk said.

Ellie had weekly adjustments until her spine was aligned, and the Volks did treatments at home. The dog soon began wagging her tail again. Now, she runs much of the day and is "a happy, happy dog," Volk said.

"Dr. LaVallie performed a miracle," Volk said. "He fixed Ellie. It's just unbelievable."

Joy Powell • 952-882-9017

Get Dog Chiropractor care!

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