Standard Poodles CA


Ricquel Bruton is a new Standard Poodles CA breeder who has purchased Black "Chase", a "Standard Poodle" size from TI. Chase is a Bruno grandson. His matings to the current dams will produce "Standards". He has the smaller standard poodle DNA body alleles, yet he is 62 lbs. MAny of TI's customers have asked for "Standards" with health testing and here they are!

Ellie x Chase have 5 Standard Poodles For Sale! 1 red Female, 2 Black Females and 2 Black Males.

Litter born 9/4/2023. Ready for homes 8 wks later 10/30/23. Puppy colors are 4 black and 1 red.

As Ricquel is just starting her breeding career, getting established, this is a GREAT price for Bruno lineage "Standard Poodle" pups from health tested parents/lineage. Get them while you can!

Taking down payments NOW!

$2,000 M/F

updated 10/8/23 TI

4 week picture update



Females FOR SALE


Chase x Ellie Standard Poodle CA down payment list

1. ____ down pymt size F/M, color, name > city, state

2. ____ down pymt size F/M, color, name > city, state

3. ____ down pymt size F/M, color, name > city, state

4. ____ down pymt size F/M, color, name > city, state

5. ____ down pymt size F/M, color, name > city, state

6. ____ down pymt size F/M, color, name > city, state

Contact Ricquel via form below for your puppy interview.

Your second block of text...


Puppies will be microchipped soon with individual pictures for you to choose from and watch as they grow. Stay tuned...

Standard Poodles CA

Ricquel Bruton - Vacaville, CA *stars MUST be Filled In

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