4 AKC Standard Poodle puppies left
last updated 2/2/18
$1,000 each, $200 discount for getting two :o)
(No Royal size guarantee at all! AKC Standards for sure :o)
4 Males + 6 Females = 10 Falcon x Daniel pups!
2 Brown Males, 2 Black Males, 1 Female Black/Red Phantom, 2 Black Females , 2 Brown Females
Please scroll down to the bottom to watch puppies grow up onto the page as they are added for your enjoyment.
Tracking F x D puppies:
SOLD - "Yoda" Black Male - 10 wks old 15 lbs > microchip (mc) 3626. I may be small but I am full of love for SW > O'Fallen, MO!
3 Females still FOR SALE
SOLD - "Snow" Brown Female - 10 wks old 13 lbs > microchip (mc) 9104. I will be the first to poodle into your heart MW > Phoenix, AZ.
For Sale - "Luna" Black Female - 10 wks old 15 lbs > microchip (mc) 4897. I am one out of this world girl, pick me!:0)
For Sale - "Specs" Black Female - 10 wks old 12 lbs > microchip (mc) 4075. I will be the greatest choice, pick me!
For Sale - "Magic" Black Female - 10 wks old 11 lbs > microchip (mc) 6721. I have some white on my chest which makes me unique just like a magic dragon! :0)
They're painting and I got some on me! See the little white abstract on my chest? That's NOT paint ;o)
We're learning steps...
There's ONE BIG HOLE here!
"Potty Outside"
Bath and haircut time!
Aren't I cute ;o) going on 7 wks old in TX
Tes wasn't quite ready for a litter, thus she rapidly set up one of the "To Be room" sections for us... looks like it's going to work to us ;o)
Getting to learn the doggy door, playing out in the 50 degree temps sure beats -20, and lots of new toys - Woo Hoo!
We all wanted to see if we could fit onto this board together :o) Tes still has A LOT of detail work to finish her house designed and built specifically for us spoos and her! These boards are thrown around the acre to step through the clay mud until landscaping is complete.
We've moved to Texas! WOW - WHAT a difference in temperatures!! I can do this, or should I? Like a cat ready to pounce on brother, or is it sister??
Hey you come here!!
We love you Momma Falcon, can we have a snack? :0)
Newspaper and more space has been added for us and boy are we ever exploring it all!! There are new smells for us and lot's of socializing by Dani and her kids!
Ahhh some chin scratches....
Look at those beautiful blue eyes....slowly....closing....zzz..ZZZ..zz
Grrr....I'm going to bite that ear....
The many different positions we sleep in. :0)
What is that I smell?? Is that Dani?
Really....more pictures??? :0)
Puppy pile with some comfy puppy pillows. :0)
Don't you want to take one of us home? We are pretty cute!
We are now moved to the grooming room which Dani says is the nursery. We will learn to potty on paper and have way more space to play!
We are officially 3 weeks old and becoming very very noisy!! If you haven't noticed already our eyes are open and we are now getting lots of socializing with Dani and her kids
Some sleep alone while others sleep in a pile! :0)
I am a brown female...if you look close you can see that my back paw has white tipped toes!
puppy love..:0)
Siblings make great pillows...:0)
Momma Falcon checking to be sure everyone is ok.
Momma Falcon is doing great, she is providing us with lots of yummy milk and Dani helps by rotating us all so we all get full bellies!.
sniff....sniff....is that a foot??
We have white hair on the bottom of our feet, isn't it cute.
I am the one and only Phantom Girl out of this litter, Dani says I am beautiful :0)
This is why Tes and Dani get very little sleep in the beginning, babies are sliding behind momma crying Help Help!
We still can't hear anything but soon our ears and eyes are going to open!!
Here's what we do best...zzzzz...zzzzz...nummy nummy...zzzz.
1 day old puppies still have their tails, and she is being very loving by being the instinctive Momma by licking them as they can't potty normally on their own without licking to stimulate the function.
Falcon's puppies have arrived!! What the customers miss out on, we hope to bring to you in pictures and story boards...our protocol up to 3 wks of age is to provide a quiet atmosphere bringing a calmer pet for you :0) They do not hear, or have sight yet...only feeling vibrations from around them...keeping all calm and relaxed for Momma Falcon is ESSENTIAL to the vibrations felt by the puppies.