Protocol In Getting A Puppy

Protocol In Getting A Puppy

Protocol in getting a puppy

Sect 2.

last updated 8/27/24

Protocol in getting a puppy - AKC Standard Poodle Puppies For Sale, "Royal" in Marketing terms, larger then most Standards is my focus! One can call them Royal, Large, or Giant Standard Poodles, ALL are Registered with AKC.

A) Fill out Form at the bottom of this page if interested in one of our pups, section #4...Review the website, ESPECIALLY the ABC's tab to learn of us and see if the site can answer your questions...Form FIRST, Tes or Kate responds, then you call for interview if further interested > Tes 737-932-5030 or Kate 512-552-8933 - Thank You!

1. We reference this form with your date of contact and interests if/when you call for an interview and can go over the protocol in getting a puppy. Please share a bit about yourself on the form. 

2. An interview may take an hour. Please have this website up to view. Bump ups will be discussed as we take only so many down payments per litter, knowing more pups may be born (or less) to accommodate the balancing of the customer's desire. Assure you let us know your definite interests as; M, F, or either M/F! We will place in parenthesis (bump up, bump to another litter and other info) accordingly.

3. When we are comfortable in moving forward together and you understand the Protocol in getting a puppy you may place a $500 down payment for a Royal Standard Poodle Puppies for Sale. 

4. Your pup NOT being born as desired: understandably, it disappoints you and us :o( We can fully refund you, bump you to another litter, or place you on a future list unless we have already placed you on a list with a "Hold" as a bump "into". The situation in placing you on a future list that you did not get a "Hold" on is the fact people have made plans to possibly be at the VERY top of a litter to get first pick. We ask those customers in not getting their desired pup in a litter to understand you would be placed at the next opening of a down payment list you desire to be on, or we can start a new litter with you as #1 or #2, #1 is generally a "Hold" for breeders. Remember, Life Happens, and one never knows when bump ups may occur due to Mother Nature and all that in between. Please book mark the web page Standard Poodle Puppies For Sale and watch if you desire :o)) Things can change instantly ... even within hours ...

We do our best to be fair to all involved, thus the protocol in getting a puppy...and Life Happenings as well as Mother Nature. Your patience is appreciated. Smile, we're doing our best for you with testing each parent in what is required for the poodle breed and more, see each parents link at the left tabs to see what tests have been completed for each to their age :o) Their size and weight are included. In breeding, we work with our largest parents to breed up to the same size and larger "Royal" pups. This does include line breeding to work for the Royal Standard Poodle size desired.

5. "Service Dog" Lookers protocol in getting a puppy -  a) We will take on as a customer individual/groups training a pup to become a service dog "For Others." b) IF "individual's" want a definite service dog, NO contract will acknowledge a "Service" dog...there is NO guarantee a pup will succeed. A pup will be sold AS IS with no further guarantee. Spay/Neutering is required. IF one wants a contract, it will be a "PET" contract as on the site reads with NO other expectations...if you're successful, congratulations!

Boys just wanna have fuuuunnn (to music ;o)

Rosco and Bruno just playin' around :o))


B) Litter/Down Payment lists

Spring/Summer = (born Spring months, going home Summer months)

Summer/Fall = (born Summer months, going home Fall months)

Fall/Winter = (born Fall months, going home Winter months)

Winter/Spring = (born Winter months, going home Spring months)

Protocol In Getting A Puppy - How to read a down payment example of what you read when coming on board:

1. 6/4/15 Down payment M Royal - BL - TI > Flatonia, TX (ZxB or bump up when opening)

To us it reads like this from our phone interview request:

You are now number 1. on 6/4/15 (the phone interview date) a down payment commitment was made (check will get into mail today/tomorrow or cc payment to be made, we are respecting you to send this as promised immediately as we have now committed the spot for you) for a here would come if one shared specifically a "Royal" size or a "Standard" size desired, if it didn't matter what size we either place nothing or may write "size open"... then...a Black/Blue pup choice was committed to by Tes Ingebritson of Woodburn, OR (one may desire a specific mating...Queen x Bruno or bump up when opening), or other specifics may be placed in parenthesis.

It is important to let us know gender; M, F, or M/F, as customers on the list are looking to know if they have an opportunity for a gender opening or must wait until that customer chooses their pup by 6 wks of age (that's the MUST pick date). Changing genders becomes a frustrating point for those watching on the list as they considered themselves to have that pick before you changed your mind. So, it is important to know your desire; M, F, or M/F...either. Being OPEN to all points makes it WONDERFUL!

That is how the story boards to the agreement in the interview read. We do our best to get it on the site immediately, becoming pretty set in stone. In getting onto the site we are respecting your commitment in coming on board at that point in time. If you see it isn't quite what you desire you need to let us know RIGHT away! To change your mind at time of birth doesn't work with those around you on the list hoping for their choice as listed.

Being open to gender, color, size may/may not help me. Your knowing what you want to do is important.

*Royal Standard Poodle Puppies for Sale*

"Protocol in getting a puppy "

Our first dam Zain, 55 lbs, had an Apricot 100# Royal father who established our Royal line of "A Perfect World" puppies. She was a dark (holding) brown talker always making us smile. Thank You Zain for your Royal Standard Poodle Puppies for Sale.


- Due to interest of my Royal Standard Poodle Puppies for Sale spoos far in advance the following Protocol in getting a puppy is in place for future season's beyond a current litter...

  • Being placed on a future season's list one understands they will be placed with their date of down payment, in order 1, 2, they desire to move forward.
  • There will be a list only for seasons beyond the current ones. No pairings established as I cannot know in advance what Mother Nature has in mind in the months ahead of who will come first.
  • You may request a desired spoo pairing, yet understand it might not happen...thus open to other pairings is appreciated. If you designate a specific pair, you may be passed over when something opens up that could have been your color/gender/ size. Mother Nature has the last say in what is born to who! Just making sure you understand.
  • Once the current season's litters are born and a wk old, and more puppies are born to what has been initially established for their down payments, TI starts calling those on the future season's list to see if they'd like to be bumped up.
  • Of course if one is open to color and gender one will be able to get their puppy sooner then later. 
  • When TI calls you from the list and gets an answering machine, it is important you call within 24 hours as TI must keep moving forward to place the pups into their loving home. Others are anxiously awaiting to get their new pet. If "Life Happened" that you can't take my call and hang up, TI will have to move to the next person. "Life Happens", sincere acknowledgement to that, yet the puppies need to know who will take them home.
  • After sorted through and placed puppies accordingly, THEN TI starts the next season's actual pairings...and build their down payment lists by calling people that have made their down payment.

With all that shared...we do not keep "contact me please" lists. We receive 2-6 forms and phone calls in a day sometimes and cannot keep track of so many when those placing down payments on future lists are trusting us for their next pet...and patience! THANK YOU! Thank You!!

Royal Standard Poodle Puppies for Sale retired Cleopatra smiles with joy at your getting a pup!!

C) Our Royal Standard Puppies for Sale are sometimes sold out early due to the truly appreciated response of customers planning ahead and wanting one of our pups - Thank You! THANK YOU!!

Life Happens: Down Payment Lists can change in an instant! Stay Tuned...after many years of breeding Royal Standard Poodle Puppies for Sale Tes has had many variables that a customer is unable to get that pet once a down payment was made, even at the last minute ready to fly out; legitimate "Life Happens"  situations. A List can open up so all TI can share is "Stay Tuned"! If you've made a down payment for a future litter, you just might get a call when Standard Poodle Puppies For Sale opens up!

In signing on "Don't forget to order your Nuvet Supplements!"

Check out the Gift Cards For Sale link or Pet Beds For Sale

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Kate Bauer litter - Mason, TX *stars MUST be Filled In

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