Cedar Oil Pet Shampoo

Cedar Oil Pet Shampoo, GREAT protection for your pets...and kids with head lice, who knew!?!


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New 16oz size Cedar Oil Pet Shampoo 

Our Price: $ 16.00 + $8 S&H

Availability: Usually Ships in 3 to 5 Days 
Product Code: SH0010

1 gallon - a GREAT buy if you have lots of pets or are a groomer!


1 Gallon Cedar Oil Pet Shampoo 

Our Price: $ 60.00 + $8 S&H

Availability: Usually Ships in 3 to 5 Days 
Product Code: SH0100

Of course, as standard poodle breeders, Tes, Kate and others use this during all the spoo baths. Yes, we do all the grooming here in our homes...if you can't groom, purchase and TAKE to your groomer to use for an organic product, free of chemicals! MANY customers do this and insist to their groomers not to use chemical based products.

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